ASP.NET MVC & Personal and soft skill growth sessions


Digi-time is introducing an ASP.NET MVC course delivered by prominent developers in the country. 

The course will be coupled with training on soft skills and Personality development led by a well-known senior consultant.

For the first time, each training is complemented by personal and soft skill growth sessions aiming to maximize an individual’s potential on personal and professional levels to improve mental, social, spiritual, and emotional being.

This course gives you all the fundamentals you need to get started building an end-to-end web application with ASP.NET MVC. 

Delivery Mode
   2 Months
Class Units
University students   
Student Age

Learning Outcomes

  • Build applications by using the MVC Pattern
  • Create an MVC end-to-end application
  • Build and organize applications with N-Tier architecture
  • Connect a web application with a database through Entity Framework
  • Optimize and deploy a web application


  • Knowledge of website development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and how websites work
  • Familiar with C# development
  • SQL knowledge
  • Good English language proficiency

Why you should apply?

  • Level up your career by mastering the Coding skills of experts with real-life experience
  • End-to-end projects and challenges to improve your portfolio
  • Networking opportunities with programmer experts and participants
  • Soft skills and Personality development from a well-known senior consultant
  • A Hackathon event to present your Projects, and prove what you’ve learned by applying it to real-world scenarios in practice

The course includes

Downloadable content
Official certificate
Online quizzes
Instructor support


Xhevat Ibraimi
Title: Senior Full-Stack Developer
Xhevat Ibraimi is a passionate and pragmatic full stack developer specializing in web application development with ASP.NET core and JavaScript. He started programming at a young age and fell in love with it, therefore he pursue programming both academically and professionally. With over 7 years of professional experience developing web services, you will be learning from one of the most skilled developers in this field.
Visar Ademi
Title: Executive Director at MyCareer
The Executive Director and Founder of My Career Organization. He has >25 international experience working in different capacities such as Workforce Development Component Leader on various projects. Some of his most outstanding achievements include developing a state-of-the-art portal, creating an internship program, developing an Industry-led education program, and so on. Key achievements: Creation of a National Internship and Job placement program. Training and Certification program. Industry-led Education Partnership Program.
Vjosa Zenku
Title: Backend Developer
The instructor is a software engineering master graduate who has worked in the programming field for a few years. She has been mainly involved with C#, JavaScript, and Laravel. She enjoys sharing her knowledge with others and helping them improve their skills in software development