Python: A Journey to Coding


Digi-time is introducing to you a Python course delivered by prominent developers in the country.

The course will be coupled with training on soft skills and Personality development led by a well-known senior consultant.

For the first time, each training is complemented by personal and soft skill growth sessions aiming to maximize an individual’s potential on personal and professional levels to improve mental, social, spiritual, and emotional being.

This course will introduce students to developing thinking and algorithmic skills. It will also teach them how to solve complicated problems in a “programmer” way. 

Delivery Mode
   2 months
Class Units
15-18 years old   
Student Age

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and use Python's basic syntax, including variables, data types, and basic operations.
  • Write and understand conditional statements (if, elif, else) and loops (for, while) in Python.
  • Define and use functions in Python, including passing arguments and returning values.
  • Work with common data structures like lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets and perform basic operations on them.
  • Read from and write to files, as well as getting user input.
  • Handle exceptions and errors in Python code using try, except, and other error-handling mechanisms.
  • Familiarity with standard libraries and modules, such as math, random, and datetime.


  • Good English language proficiency

Why you should apply?

  • The primary language for data science and machine learning. 
  • Learning Python can open up numerous job opportunities and increase your employability.
  • Python is a versatile language used in web development, data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, automation, and more
  • Python helps you develop strong problem-solving skills and a structured approach to programming.
  • Python is consistently ranked as one of the most in-demand programming languages in the job market.
  • Offers a valuable skill set that can benefit your career and personal development.

The course includes

Downloadable content
Official certificate
Online quizzes
Instructor support


Experienced Python Trainer